Thrive 2025
Has anyone asked you what your word is for 2025? I’m hearing words like “Joy” and “Reset”. The idea is to select a word that captures your intentions, goals or feelings for the year. It’s a word to help keep you on track. If people can have a word, so can a company. After all, Holiday Builders is a collection of people with a shared mission. The Holiday Builders word of the year for 2025 is Thrive.
2025 will see the 42nd year of business for Holiday Builders. In 2024, our leadership team determined several goals to ensure the company’s continued success. One goal was to expand land acquisitions providing Holiday Builders with the ability to build more homes and develop new communities. The strategy is to be positioned to exceed the demand for new housing, to thrive.
In each of the areas in which we build. we reach out to schools and non-profit to offer support. Whether it’s a donation to a local football team, a veteran’s organization or a food bank, Holiday Builders always lends a helping hand. We understand that a strong community is key to thriving.
Our company President Rich Brown sends a quarterly summary email to all employees outlining the overall performance of the company. In this summary, he highlights the New Home Consultants with outstanding rankings on homeowner surveys. These surveys taken at closing, allow the homebuyer to rate their experience buying a Holiday Builders’ home. It’s motivating to see the individuals who exceed expectations and thrive.
Likewise, Rich’s quarterly, summary email showcases the cycle times of construction managers. Reduced time to build a home is part of an efficiency equation that benefits both buyer and builder. Managing subcontractors, permitting, materials and communications effectively is a skill set acquired with experience. The construction managers effectively managing cycle times are thriving.
Lastly, the most important part of the homebuilding equation is the buyer. In what ways can Holiday Builders help a homebuyer to thrive? We begin by providing a variety of floorplans to meet various budgets and family sizes, and follow through with delivering quality-built new homes with warranties. Furthermore, Holiday Builders makes ownership more accessible by buying down interest rates and passing the savings to homebuyers. Holiday Builders offers a one-stop shop for homebuyers offering lending with Coastal Loans, construction with Holiday Builders and title services through HB Title. We believe homeownership is key to thriving. Homeownership is a vehicle to provide stability and build wealth.
Holiday Builders seeks to thrive in 2025 with new communities, in new areas, providing outstanding customer service. May we all thrive in our economy, our health and our hearts. We wish you a Happy New Year.
Tags: 2025, community, financing, happy new year, Homebuilding, thrive